Maui, privileges us with consistent tropical climate. Our warm and tropical foliage, however, are inviting to ticks. This open invitation to the American dog tick is most infectious as an adult. These dog ticks attach themselves, then become bloated as they feed. They bury their heads beneath the pet's skin and stay there for days as they suck blood. You'll see a lime-bean-size leathery pest that balloons as it becomes full.
REMOVAL OF TICKS: Use a blunt-tipped tweezer.
Grasp the body very close to pet's skin
and pull it straight out, slowly and
gently in the opposite direction from
the mouth's end.
DISPOSE OF TICK: Either drop the tick into a container
of rubbing alcohol, or flush it down
the toilet.
FOLLOW-THROUGH: If possible, a good idea, to wash the
tick bite with an antiseptic liquid soap,
or swab it with some 3% hydrogen
peroxide to remove residual tick parts.
FOUND WHERE: The sparsely furred and hard-to
reach regions of a dog's body like
the ears, armpits, and between the
toes, are tick targets; but ticks can
be found anywhere on the dog' body.
Prompt removal can prevent most diseases.. Ticks don't hop off the dog and onto another host, so it's nearly impossible to catch something from your pet.
TICK BORNE DISEASE: Many diseases are spread by ticks because their saliva transmits microscopic organisms when they bite. Usually however, a tick must be feeding on a pet for at least 12 hours The Veterinarian should diagnose the problem, but disease -specific medications usually take care of the illness.
It's easy to remove ticks at home, therefore it's seldom necessary to see your Veterinarian unless you suspect that a tick has given your dog a disease.
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