Friday, May 13, 2011


"ooh need to lick"

Dog  Licking & Chewing Paws

Can be an incredible and complicated issue that
affect many dogs and their owners.  There are a 
wide range of resources about this subject, and I 
will research and attempt to convey an understanding for all of us.  Of course, as we all know, what works for one dogs doesn't work for 
another.  We must be sure whatever resolve is 
attempted to help our dog, it will be safe, healthy and ultimately happy for your dog!

Licking and chewing paws may work the same way it does when we "scratch ourselves."
Why do we scratch?  It feels good!  Why?  Because it causes the body to release natural painkillers made by the brain.  These are called endorphins released and relaxes our dog, when he licks and chews his paw, leg, etc.    Sadly even when infection develops, this happens.  The infection will appear red, and eventually the skin 
become thick and raised

Licking usually is on the lower leg as it is easy for your dog to reach.  Study show, it is common in less active dogs.  Then again, there are some 
dog breeds that have been considered to have this licking and chewing issues.  So the key is to offer your dog mental stimulation, before "licking and chewing" of the paw become infected.
Umoof, I'm tired of licking!

Labrador Retrievers
Jack Russell Terriers
Chow Chow
Golden Retrievers
1. Trim fur around licking infected area, using
    blunt scissors, or electric shaver.
2. Soak and clean with antiseptic liquid soap,
    such as Betadine Skin Cleanser.
3. Rinse well, using cool water.
4. Pat dry gently.
5. Apply a cortisone cream, such as Cortaid
    three times a day.
6. Use antihistamine, such as Benadryl hopefully
    to subside itching.  May make your dog sleepy
    which can be good to keep dog from licking.
    1 milligram per pound of body weight
    every 6-8 hours.
10 pound dog should receive 3/4 teaspoon liquid 
or 1/2 a pill.
If your dog has urination difficulties, STOP the Benadryl.  To avoid further infection due to licking, there are ways to keep your dog from licking:
1.  Elizabethan Collar restraint
2.  Cloth Wrap (clean,soft and breathable)
3.  Cotton  sock taped with adhesive tape.
FOLLOW-UP CARE:   Should home first-aid offer comfort and healing, on the licking infected area, than success!  If it does not comfort or heal then get Veterinarian help immediately!     

This sloppy licking may
also interpret how much the dogs "love you!"

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